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High school diploma or equivalent: GS-3: High school graduation or 1 year of full-time study after high school: GS-4: Associate degree or 2 years of com can help. The Government civilian-employee equivalent of a Sergeant Major is paid under the General Schedule payscale. The General Schedule The system consists of 15 grades, from GS-1, the lowest level, to GS-15, the highest level. An LTJG usually serves as a billeted Division Officer and leads a group of seamen and petty officers in ship divisions like Engineering or Intelligence. From what I know that equivalent stuff is mostly protocol related and administrative things like signing Evals/FitReps when a military person supervises civilians. yahoo weather san antonio tx The Government civilian-employee equivalent of a Sergeant is paid under the General Schedule payscale. GS grades for positions are widely know within the workforce (as they should be). Although GS civilians do not have military rank by virtue of their GS position, regulations include civilian and military grade equivalencies for pay and protocol comparison purposes. GS‐13 DV 7 FSO‐4 2nd Secretary O‐4 (Maj) GS‐12 FSO‐5 2nd Secretary O‐3 (Capt) GS‐11 GS‐10 FSO‐6 2nd Secretary O‐2 (1st Lt) GS‐9 GS‐8 FSO‐7 3rd Secretary O‐1 (2nd Lt) GS‐7 FSO‐8 3rd Secretary Military and Civilian Rank Equivalents For example, if an agency advertised for a GS-9 position and had an established GS-8 in the normal line of progression, applicants would be required to have 1 year of experience equivalent to at least grade GS-8. A happiness researcher has quantified just how much happier we. dehow do you spell utmost Are military officer ranks and civil service GS ranks equivalent? Do not correlate GS position with a military rank as a MSgt with a B and netted a GS-10 job because that grade was the one-to-one direct rank equivalent. 3. The GS-11 pay grade is generally held by white-collar employees in mid-level positions. The Government civilian-employee equivalent of a Master Sergeant is paid under the General Schedule payscale. These grades start at GS-7 – the equivalent of an ensign or second lieutenant – and end with GS-15, the same effective grade as captain or colonel, depending on the branch of military service. Never be that GS13 screaming “I’m a Major equivalent” at military coworkers (it happens). The level of responsibility might have some equivalency if your comparing DOD grades and military ranks but outside of the DOD its very hit-and-miss. synonyms for tireless Are military officer ranks and civil service GS ranks equivalent? A GS-12 is equivalent to a military rank of Captain in the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps, and a Lieutenant in the Navy and Coast Guard What military rank is a GS-12 equivalent to? DCPAS is responsible for oversight of policy that governs NAF pay, awards and allowances. ….

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